Materials: MDF board, glue, petticoat fabric (used/donated/found)
Dimensions: 1200mm x 700mm x 5mm
Petticoat Rule features reclaimed petticoat fabric donated by Brisbane women “of a certain age,” arranged in the formation of the Southern Cross. For many Australians, this familiar symbol evokes patriotic pride, our connection to Britain, and our love for this country. However, the Southern Cross has also been co-opted as a symbol of violent nationalism, and can be considered exclusionary to the First Peoples of this land.
Each piece of petticoat fabric represents the individuality and unique histories of the women who contributed them—the intricacy of the snowflake-shape symbolising this individuality. Although, tiny and delicate, snowflakes can transform landscapes when they accumulate—just as women can when provoked.
These once passive feminine undergarments have been accumulated into a cheeky political provocation. Petticoat Rule asks viewers to consider a postwar Australia governed by women rather than men, prompting us to envision a more inclusive, equitable society.